Monday, December 6, 2010

A 30 Second Script for McDonald's Sweet Tea Radio Commercial

In Broadcast writing it was fun to create this commercial. I made it to be funny because I love humor and when I presented this piece of writing I got laughs. so enjoy.

Production Note:  At noon, two college girls are standing at a McDonalds’ counter. 
GIRL #1                    That Calculus test was so hard it really wiped me out.
GIRL #2                    Me too, I am starving.
EMPLOYEE:                    Welcome to McDonalds.  May I take your order please?
GIRL #1                    Big Mac with fries.
GIRL # 2                    A Crispy Chicken Salad for me           
SWEET TEA:            “Hey, are you from Tennesee, because you’re the only ten I see?  I would go really well with that Big Mac you ordered.
GIRL #1            Who said that?
SWEET TEA            Me, beautiful.
GIRL #2            (Whisper) I think that cup of tea is talking to you.
SWEET TEA:            Correctamundo! My twenty-four ounces of sweetness is certain to make you smile.
GIRL #1:            Is that so?
SWEET TEA:            Yep, I am freshly brewed to perfection and I only cost one dollar.  Go ahead and taste me.
GIRL #1            Wow, this is great and you’re pretty cute.
GIRL #2            We’ll take two Sweet Teas, please.
SWEET TEA            (Loudly) They’re Loving it at McDonalds.  Score one more for team tea.
                                                            (CLAPS AND CHEERS)
            GIRL #1                        See ya next time handsome.           
            (MCDONALDS’ THEME SONG BA DA BA BA BA  I’M LOVING IT)                

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