Monday, December 6, 2010

My name is Brian Hildebrandt.  Currently, I'm attending Rider University in Lawrenceville, New Jersey in pursuit of a degree in Communications. When I graduate in December 2010, I will be looking for a challenging job in the entertainment industry. I am especially interested in the entertainment of children and tweens.

I was born at Princeton University Hospital and have lived my entire life in New Jersey. My family lives in Kendall Park, N.J. and I attended South Brunswick public schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. As a child I participated in youth baseball, soccer, basketball and cub scouts. In school, I participated in choir and band (I played the saxaphone). I am proud to have attained a black belt in karate when I was eleven years old.

After graduating from high school, I attended classes at Mercer County College. In 2008, I received an Associate Degree in radio and TV. At Rider University and Mercer County College, I have received a wealth of knowledge and and invaluable experiences. For example, I completed an internship with Warren Township and Piscataway Community Television. During this internship, I participated in the filming of parades, high school football and basketball games. There were also the monthly programs on health, the law and a chat with the mayor. At the end of my internship, my preceptor and I, taped and edited a twelve minute piece on a historic house in Warren Township. That piece aired on all of the New Jersey Public TV stations.

My passions are movies and TV, traveling and eating fine food.

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