Monday, December 20, 2010

Sample 10: Research Project - sensationalized rumors (or tabloids)

Sometimes you can actually have fun with research. I was able to trick some students on campus with false entertainment news. The conclusion of this research also showed me that results don't always confirm one's hypothesis.

Despite the fact that both the Jonas/Gomez story and the Will Smith story were false, approximately one third of the respondents thought the news story were true. Thus the hypothesis that online news sources will affect a story's believability with readers is only partially confirmed. Instead the results show that the format of each story is very identifiable. People in this age group are habitual Internet users with immediate access to news from standard news providers such as and tabloid news providers such as Not only are they able to identify the source they have also formed an opinion on whether they enjoy one or both of these formats. When the individual responses are looked at, if the story was enjoyed it was most often believed. And if it was not enjoyed it was most often not believed. But it was not just the connection between enjoying the story and believing the story that account for the study’s results. There is also the previous research study that showed that overexposure has made unbelievable stories believable. Today, the Internet, TV and magazines have overexposed viewers to sensational news stories. In addition, the exposure time of the survey could also have contributed to believing mildly unbelievable news. According to the study done by Gibbons, Lukowski and Walker, the exposure of 4 minutes or more expecially when the exposure is simultaneous will make unbelievable news believable. This study duplicates their results.
The questinnaire provided with these two stories allowed the respondent to choose “MAYBE” instead of just “YES or NO.” That was done in order to acknowledge that perhaps over exposure to celebrity news that is created via speculation instead of facts has desensitized the public to the point that a “YES or NO” answer would have been problematic for the respondent. When the surveys were analyzed the “MAYBE” response was even with the “YES or NO” responses for both the Jonas/Gomez story and the Will Smith story. Perhaps the first statement of the Jonas/Gomez story best describes this study result. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

Sample 9: Conducting Research - Impact of Karate Classes

The curriculum for Communication majors provides opportunities to conduct research at the under graduate level. The research required using both qualitative and quantitative research methods. The research on the impact of karate classes gave me an opportunity to return to the Karate school where I had received my black belt. It was fun getting to see my former instructors and talking to the current students and their parents.

Children who participate in Martial Arts Classes are directly influenced to improve their academic, psychosocial and physical abilities.

I chose the descriptive method of research to either prove or disprove the hypothesis. The first decision to be made about the survey was whether the martial arts student, the student’s parent or a teacher should complete the survey. Because I believe that the parent is the person best able to observe a wide variety of changes in the martial arts student, I created a parental survey. Next, a list of potential changes was created by surveying the background literature about the affects of martial arts classes on children. Both positive and negative affects were included. Lastly, in order to prevent biasing the people surveyed, the survey allowed for three different options for each potential affect. The survey asked the parent to decide if the factor in question either improved (increased), worsened, (decreased) or no change. A comment section was available for the parent to provide explaination or expansion upon the three options. Demographic information required for this survey was: who filled out the survey, the mother or father; the age and sex of the martial arts student; and the length of time the student had attended the karate school.
As the survey was being created I decided that I needed an additional method of data collection to actually make the conclusion that the hypothesis was proved or not proved. The parental survey all by itself could not be used to identify or quantify the direct influence that the martial arts teacher has on the student. Through observation, I hope to document examples to support Dr. Binder’s conclusion, “it is likely that inclusion of non-physical aspects of the martial arts during training or the instructor’s positive role model or both play a role in promoting long term changes.” During my observations of five different karate classes over two days, I was looking for examples of the two tools of persuasion and examples of strategies of persuasion.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Sample 8: Barryade

After viewing our first commercial, we learned to improve our second collaboration. The script, the sound and the graphics were better.

Sample 7: Sonic Commercial

Our two man team created two television commercials. We needed to script, storyboard, film, act and edit. We needed a little help from our family and friends, but we are very proud of having seen our projects through from beginning to end.

Writing for Broadcast - Newscast

Writing, filming and editing on a school deadline is a lot like that in the work environment. You will see my reporting near the end of this 5 minute news cast.

Sample 6: Photo Shop Sports Illustrated

The New York Yankees are my favorite sports team. So when I was asked to create a magazine cover using photoshop, I could not resist.

Sample 5: Photoshop Mario

Photoshop is a very useful tool for professional and personal activities. This was made using three different pictures that I was able to make into one.  

Sample 4: News Release - Event

Students at Rider University are encouraged to embrace all forms of Social Media such as facebook, twitter and blogs. The faculty and students learn from each other in this ever changing environment. We know that with the willingness to try the newest media advances, we will have something unique to offer today's job market.

 Big Party to Celebrate the Union of Apple and Verizon

For Immediate Release
CUPERTINO, Ca., Dec. 18 – Two months after Verizon began carrying iPad in its store, Apple and Verizon are ready to celebrate. 
On Tuesday, Dec. 28, at the Staples Center, employees from Apple and Verizon will meet face to face.  Presentations by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple and Ivan Seidenberg, CEO of Verizon will be followed by a special preview of Bon Jovi’s Live 2011 Concert.
The CEOs of Apple is very enthusiastic about the growth in sales of iPad.  Since Apple’s decision to end AT&T’s exclusivity “Apple’s shares are exceeding $300 for the first time,” said Steve Jobs.  “We are proud to partner with a communication giant like Verizon. Our two companies share a common mission in today’s digital world.  A celebration to be shared by the employees of both of our companies is the perfect way to cement our newly formed partnership.”
Ivan Seidenberg added, “The relationship of Verizon and Apple needs to be as powerful and reliable as the wireless connections we provide to our customers.  Steve’s idea for this Big Party will allow us to share the results of our brief partnership and our plans to strengthen that relationship in 2011.”
Bon Jovi and his band plan on making the celebration a memorable one.  “Our songs such as ‘Livin on a Prayer’ and ‘It’s My Life’ are going to get the group rockin,” said Bon Jovi.  “We want to these corporate people to know that they are in the entertainment business.  They can spread love, hope and joy with the iPad just like we do with our music.”
About Apple iPad:
The iPad is tablet computer designed and developed by Apple. It is particularly marketed as a platform for audio and visual media such as books, periodicals, movies, music, and games, as well as web content. At about 1.5 pounds (680 grams), its size and weight are between those of

most contemporary smartphones and laptop computers. Apple released the iPad in April 2010.  According to a report released by Strategy Analytics, the Apple iPad has gained a 95 percent share sales of Tablet PC at the end of second quarter 2010. And during the second quarter 2010, Apple had sold 4.19 million iPads around the world.
The iPad runs the same operating system as the iPod Touch and iPhone. It can run its own applications as well as ones developed for the iPhone. Without modification, it will only run programs approved by Apple and he iPad is a tablet computer designed and developed by Apple.
For detailed information about the iPad visit

About Verizon:
            Verizon Wireless, is a wireless phone provider that owns and operates the largest mobile telecommunications network in the United States, based on a total of 93.2 million U.S. subscribers, only 0.4 million ahead of the second largest provider, in Q3 2010. Headquartered in Basking Ridge, New Jersey, Verizon has partnered with Apple to carry the iPad in all Verizon Stores.
For detailed information about the three Wi-Fi only versions of iPad sold at Verizon stores near you visit http//


Sample 3: News Release: Crisis Management

Brian Hildebrand                                         Client: Sandville of Chamber of Commerce
February 25, 2009                                        Audience: Summer beach goers
Com 107                                                           Goal:  To improve beach tourism
Persuasive Writing
Exercise 4-4a
Sandville Chamber of Commerce
1100 Atlantic Ave., Sandville, N.J. 07110
For Immediate Release                                 Please Contact: Brian Hildebrandt
May 1, 2009                                                               Phone: (732) 821-9741
                                                                                     (732) 259-9617
                                    Sandville Beaches are ready for action
SANDVILLE, N.J.-  To celebrate this season’s beach opening, Sandville business owners are offering coupon deals at motel, restaurants, and shops.
            This off season our seashore community as worked especially hard to ensure that our beaches are the safest and cleanest on the Jersey Shore. Mayor Walter Smith wants to assure all visitors that Sandville beaches have never been cleaner in the last 40 years.
            Gilliane Turner from the State Department of Environmental Protection says that Sandville has the best water quality rating in the state. “This shows how this community and the state government have worked together to create a delightful family haven.”
            Pollution has plagued all New Jersey beaches including Sandville.  However, illegal dumping of dangerous medical waste has never occurred on sandvile beaches.
“Our community and the state community and the state government have a responsibility to the public to keep our beaches maintained for your and protection.  Any threats to beach cleanliness will be dealt with immediately. 

News Release - Grand Opening Of Martial art Schools

In Communication field a News Release is a important tool. You want to have people interested and come to your business or event. This even though not real I feel that this was a fun way to learn about what a Press Release should be

SIDESWIPE Martial Arts Specialists
                        1968 Ventura Boulevard
                        Tarzana, CA.  91356            

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                         Contact: Brian Hildebrandt
April 24, 2010                                                                         (893) 548-2346 (office)
                                                                                                 (893) 654-0754 (home)

Chicago Native Opens Three Martial Arts Schools

CHICAGO, Ill. – Chicago area native opens not one, not two, but three martial arts schools.  Grand openings of Sideswipe Academies in Naperville, Aurora and Cicero will be held on Saturday May 8 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Actor Matt Mullins moved from Naperville, Illinois to California to pursue an acting career and to share his extraordinary martial arts skills with others.  In 2008, Matt Mullins opened his first martial arts school and based on the success of his California, Sideswipe Academy he has decided to open three more Sideswipe Academies in his hometown.  Kids can now participate in worthwhile and safe martial arts activities, like he did when he was younger.
Matt Mullins says, “Now is the perfect time to share my passion for martial arts with kids from my hometown.  Since working on the show Kamen Rider Dragon Knight I have heard from thousands of young fans that are extremely interested in martial arts.  Kids realize that exercising is beneficial to their health and martial arts is a fun and exciting way to get exercise.”
“The instructors at the schools in Naperville, Aurora and Cicero have a vast knowledge of martial arts and a passion for kids,” Mullins said.  “We can hardly wait to get to know the kids and their families.”  

For more info please contact


Monday, December 6, 2010

A 30 Second Script for McDonald's Sweet Tea Radio Commercial

In Broadcast writing it was fun to create this commercial. I made it to be funny because I love humor and when I presented this piece of writing I got laughs. so enjoy.

Production Note:  At noon, two college girls are standing at a McDonalds’ counter. 
GIRL #1                    That Calculus test was so hard it really wiped me out.
GIRL #2                    Me too, I am starving.
EMPLOYEE:                    Welcome to McDonalds.  May I take your order please?
GIRL #1                    Big Mac with fries.
GIRL # 2                    A Crispy Chicken Salad for me           
SWEET TEA:            “Hey, are you from Tennesee, because you’re the only ten I see?  I would go really well with that Big Mac you ordered.
GIRL #1            Who said that?
SWEET TEA            Me, beautiful.
GIRL #2            (Whisper) I think that cup of tea is talking to you.
SWEET TEA:            Correctamundo! My twenty-four ounces of sweetness is certain to make you smile.
GIRL #1:            Is that so?
SWEET TEA:            Yep, I am freshly brewed to perfection and I only cost one dollar.  Go ahead and taste me.
GIRL #1            Wow, this is great and you’re pretty cute.
GIRL #2            We’ll take two Sweet Teas, please.
SWEET TEA            (Loudly) They’re Loving it at McDonalds.  Score one more for team tea.
                                                            (CLAPS AND CHEERS)
            GIRL #1                        See ya next time handsome.           
            (MCDONALDS’ THEME SONG BA DA BA BA BA  I’M LOVING IT)                

My name is Brian Hildebrandt.  Currently, I'm attending Rider University in Lawrenceville, New Jersey in pursuit of a degree in Communications. When I graduate in December 2010, I will be looking for a challenging job in the entertainment industry. I am especially interested in the entertainment of children and tweens.

I was born at Princeton University Hospital and have lived my entire life in New Jersey. My family lives in Kendall Park, N.J. and I attended South Brunswick public schools from kindergarten through 12th grade. As a child I participated in youth baseball, soccer, basketball and cub scouts. In school, I participated in choir and band (I played the saxaphone). I am proud to have attained a black belt in karate when I was eleven years old.

After graduating from high school, I attended classes at Mercer County College. In 2008, I received an Associate Degree in radio and TV. At Rider University and Mercer County College, I have received a wealth of knowledge and and invaluable experiences. For example, I completed an internship with Warren Township and Piscataway Community Television. During this internship, I participated in the filming of parades, high school football and basketball games. There were also the monthly programs on health, the law and a chat with the mayor. At the end of my internship, my preceptor and I, taped and edited a twelve minute piece on a historic house in Warren Township. That piece aired on all of the New Jersey Public TV stations.

My passions are movies and TV, traveling and eating fine food.